Fall Sports Meeting
Tony Miller:
Introductions of all head coaches
Athletic Training- Schedule posted in communication channel. If see doctor need note of what is wrong and what athlete needs to do to get back.
Social Media- Website, Facebook, Twitter
Communication- School wide will be the Band app
Ticketing for games- GoFan for all tickets in our region, make sure to look for correct venue
Cumulative GPA for Varsity sports was a 3.64
The Ridge Way- motto for school
Several upgrades for athletics over the past 3 years, soon to be branding with wrapping doors and pillars
Adding Athletically Motivated Classes- over 8 different classes over the next few years
Eligibility- Every Thursday a report will run (starting 8/17/23). If not passing a class first is a warning, second week is a red notice stating student is not eligible to play the following Monday. If student gets grade to passing they can talk to Vanessa or Mr. Miller before Wed. at noon to get eligibility back
Transfer- if played sports at another high school go to the office for paperwork
Important Policies- There is nothing on Sunday’s.
In school suspensions means the athlete is ineligible to participate. Out of school suspensions, athlete is ineligible to participate and unable to attend games (home and away).
If equipment is lost student is to reimburse school.
No pets at practice or games.
Only clear water bottles at games, no other water bottles.
Multisport Athlete- whatever sport the student is in is the priority.
Coach Development- MRHS has the most certified coaching staff in the US.
SALT team- Student Athlete Leadership Team
Counseling/NCSA Day- will be a Sat. event to help athlete’s create an online profile. MRHS has counselor Mr. Eddie Rodriguez that will help students have information to be eligible to meet college standards.
Department Goal Sportsmanship- Coach, Player and Parent Behavior
Discipline/Accountability- encourage students to not have cell phones out in class. Vaping in the bathrooms is an issue.
Transportation- for athletic events is a continued issue coaches/admin are dealing with
Concern/Resolution- 1. Student meets with coach 2. Student, parent and coach meet 3. Student, parent, coach and AD meet 24 hour rule, allow 24 hours before contacting coach
Cost- Participation fee of $100 to bookstore prior to first game. $100 per athlete per sport. Max fee per athlete per year is $200. Max fee for family per year is $300.
Coach Lutman:
Total Program Philosophy- 1. Attitude 2. Effort 3. Team
Parents- support/encourage, Be a “Ridge Family” and display good sportsmanship
Team Philosophy and Playing Time- Freshman- create a system, best team, play time is coaches discretion. JV is 10th and 11th graders. Varsity are best players regardless of grade level. JV players can move up.
Communication- Absences have been a problem. If you want to play you need to be at practice. If parents want to discuss their player with the coach the player must be present. 24 hour rule applies. Injuries need to be reported to Mrs. Rodgers.
Chain of Command- 1. Position coach at level 2. Head coach of team athlete is on 3. Varsity head coach 4. Varsity coach with parent 5. Varsity coach, athlete, parent and AD
Expectation and Policy- Be on time, be academically eligible
Team Privilege- being on the team is a privilege and it can be taken away
Conduct- class, pride, respect
Dress- look like a team, everyone is the same, take it off (“drip”) or don’t play
Band- make sure it is your real name and add a picture
Coupon cards- Due 8/18/23
Pictures- 8/19/23 Varsity and JV together at 5:45, Freshman 6:30
Volunteer- at least one time per family
Fall Sports Meeting
Tony Miller:
Introductions of all head coaches
Athletic Training- Schedule posted in communication channel. If see doctor need note of what is wrong and what athlete needs to do to get back.
Social Media- Website, Facebook, Twitter
Communication- School wide will be the Band app
Ticketing for games- GoFan for all tickets in our region, make sure to look for correct venue
Cumulative GPA for Varsity sports was a 3.64
The Ridge Way- motto for school
Several upgrades for athletics over the past 3 years, soon to be branding with wrapping doors and pillars
Adding Athletically Motivated Classes- over 8 different classes over the next few years
Eligibility- Every Thursday a report will run (starting 8/17/23). If not passing a class first is a warning, second week is a red notice stating student is not eligible to play the following Monday. If student gets grade to passing they can talk to Vanessa or Mr. Miller before Wed. at noon to get eligibility back
Transfer- if played sports at another high school go to the office for paperwork
Important Policies- There is nothing on Sunday’s.
In school suspensions means the athlete is ineligible to participate. Out of school suspensions, athlete is ineligible to participate and unable to attend games (home and away).
If equipment is lost student is to reimburse school.
No pets at practice or games.
Only clear water bottles at games, no other water bottles.
Multisport Athlete- whatever sport the student is in is the priority.
Coach Development- MRHS has the most certified coaching staff in the US.
SALT team- Student Athlete Leadership Team
Counseling/NCSA Day- will be a Sat. event to help athlete’s create an online profile. MRHS has counselor Mr. Eddie Rodriguez that will help students have information to be eligible to meet college standards.
Department Goal Sportsmanship- Coach, Player and Parent Behavior
Discipline/Accountability- encourage students to not have cell phones out in class. Vaping in the bathrooms is an issue.
Transportation- for athletic events is a continued issue coaches/admin are dealing with
Concern/Resolution- 1. Student meets with coach 2. Student, parent and coach meet 3. Student, parent, coach and AD meet 24 hour rule, allow 24 hours before contacting coach
Cost- Participation fee of $100 to bookstore prior to first game. $100 per athlete per sport. Max fee per athlete per year is $200. Max fee for family per year is $300.
Coach Lutman:
Total Program Philosophy- 1. Attitude 2. Effort 3. Team
Parents- support/encourage, Be a “Ridge Family” and display good sportsmanship
Team Philosophy and Playing Time- Freshman- create a system, best team, play time is coaches discretion. JV is 10th and 11th graders. Varsity are best players regardless of grade level. JV players can move up.
Communication- Absences have been a problem. If you want to play you need to be at practice. If parents want to discuss their player with the coach the player must be present. 24 hour rule applies. Injuries need to be reported to Mrs. Rodgers.
Chain of Command- 1. Position coach at level 2. Head coach of team athlete is on 3. Varsity head coach 4. Varsity coach with parent 5. Varsity coach, athlete, parent and AD
Expectation and Policy- Be on time, be academically eligible
Team Privilege- being on the team is a privilege and it can be taken away
Conduct- class, pride, respect
Dress- look like a team, everyone is the same, take it off (“drip”) or don’t play
Band- make sure it is your real name and add a picture
Coupon cards- Due 8/18/23
Pictures- 8/19/23 Varsity and JV together at 5:45, Freshman 6:30
Volunteer- at least one time per family